Architect, Landscape Architect, Urban Designer, Land Use Planner, Environmental Observer

Saturday, December 31, 2016

the Heart of Soquel: part 1

the behind the scenes story of the design of a county park...

For almost three years I worked for the Redevelopment Agency of the County of Santa Cruz part-time...  For the majority of that time, I worked as the primary designer on a small park that was between a creek and retail stores in a small town.

There were plenty of constraints - the project is located in a flood plain, the creek is a protected biotic restraint, there is a confusing and inadequate circulation for automobiles, a dangerous and unclear pedestrian circulation, the town post office is within the area, as well as two restaurants, a bar, a sporting goods store and an antiques shop at the corner.

The redevelopment agency had bought a run down mobile home park with lots of pavement and the town plan called for a park area and parking to replace it.

I remember numbering the alternative plans I drew up - I think it was 27!

It was sausage making.

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